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The Sunset of Google Optimize: What it Means for You

Data Data, Data Strategy & Advisory, Data maturity 3 min read
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Google Optimize & O360 Sunset

With the announcement that Google is sunsetting their web testing and personalization tool, Google Optimize, brands who rely on the tool need alternative ways to continue to perform A/B testing, conversion rate optimization, and personalization of web experiences.

To help brands in their transition, our data experts have written a guide that explores how brands should approach personalization going forward—including how to assess new technology providers, frameworks and methodologies to structure your planning—and long-term goals to strive for. Access your copy by filling out the form immediately below.

Need answers at a quick glance? Continue reading on for a quick FAQ that will help you get started.

Google Optimize & O360 Sunset report cover

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  • Understanding Google’s announcement and what it means for you 
  • Discovering the steps to prepare for the Optimize sunset
  • Planning your post-Optimize ‘endgame’ goals

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Fast facts for the Google Optimize sunset.

  • Google has announced that Optimize and Optimize 360 will be sunset as of September 30th 2023.
  • Google will build out more powerful integrations between GA4 and third-party testing platforms to allow GA4 to measure and analyze test results.
  • Organizations leveraging Optimize currently will need to assess and procure an alternative testing/personalization platform, which will come with a different commercial model to Optimize. Media.Monks can support this process to find the right platform depending on the needs.
  • Optimize can continue to be used until September 30, linked to either UA or GA4 properties.

FAQ: Quick answers for how to prepare.

If news of the Optimize sunset has left you wondering what to do next in your optimization and personalization journey, do not fear. We’ve collected the most urgent, need-to-know facts and FAQs about the announcement.

Will I still be able to use Google Optimize after September 2023?

No, Google plans to sunset the product entirely. This can be taken to mean that the product will no longer be accessible past this date, and experiments running at this date will turn off.

Does this apply to Optimize 360 as well as the free product?

Yes. Google intends to sunset the product entirely, across both the free and 360 tiers. Note that by the sunset date, all organizations should have migrated their GA360 contracts to GA4, meaning that Optimize 360 is provided free of charge.

Should I use Optimize with UA or GA4 up until the sunset date?

This is entirely dependent on your existing UA and GA4 setups. UA 360 will continue to be available until Optimize’s sunset date, so you can continue to use it if you are more comfortable with that dataset. Otherwise, you can use GA4 data to power reporting and audiences. Linking Optimize with UA is available even after renewing GA360 contracts with GA4.

What should I do if I want to continue testing and personalizing my website after Optimize is sunset?

You will need to procure an alternative testing and personalization platform. Our report details the factors that should go into making that decision, and you should note that alternative platforms will have different commercial models than Optimize.

Will I still be able to use Google Analytics with a new third-party Experience Optimization tool?

Google has announced that they are investing in integrations between GA4 and third-party tools, with the intent being that GA4 will act as a centralized measurement hub that can be used to analyze and report on experiments that are delivered via a different platform. Media.Monks can provide more details on these integrations as they are made available by Google.

What will happen to my historical data?

Optimize uses Google Analytics data for reporting, meaning the raw data from past experiments will still be available in GA (and BigQuery if using GA360). Regardless, we recommend our clients collate test results in a central register to build an insights and learnings repository to fuel future decision-making.  Media.Monks can support the creation of a learning repository before the sunset if required.

Key watch-outs:

  • An Optimize container can only be linked to UA or GA4 one at a time, not to both. Media.Monks do not recommend running experiments out of dual containers, so you should choose whichever dataset has the most actionable data.
  • There are many factors that go into selecting an alternate vendor, and a proper assessment takes time. Organizations should bring this process well ahead of September 30 to ensure the continuity of capabilities.
  • Deploying, validating and ramping up a new testing/personalization platform could take a number of months, meaning organizations should start the selection process now.

To get detailed steps on how to prepare for the Optimize sunset and plan your post-Optimize goals, simply fill out the form above to download our report.

Monk Thoughts While this may represent a short-term disruption, the platform is a very small part of the overall picture. This should not impact your long-term vision, which should be to leverage your content, data, and technology to test, optimize and personalize your customer experiences.
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