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Rocks on a beach making up the Burberry Monogram
Rocks on a beach making up the Burberry Monogram

TB Summer Monogram • Weaving Nature and Technology to Celebrate Fashion

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    ExperienceImpactful Brand ActivationsRetail Concept InnovationStudioOriginal Content

An overhead view of a shoreline showing the rock formations for Burberry

An ephemeral mark that leaves an everlasting impression

Every year, Burberry’s monogram campaign marks the start of the upcoming season and sets the mood for the new TB Summer Monogram collection. In 2021, we honored the brand’s key pillars, nature and modernity, by transforming the timeless symbol into a stylish piece of land art on the Welsh shoreline—made exclusively with elements that were already part of the beach.

A rock
Press Reimagining the house’s longstanding heritage of exploration, nature melds with technology on a journey of discovery as the Thomas Burberry Monogram is cast across global landscapes, each with its own breathtaking beauty.
Read on VMan

Nature melds with technology to celebrate the unexpected

Inspired by the brand’s long-lasting history of exploration, we also took the campaign to a remote mountain reserve, where a series of 300 drones choreographed to create the iconic motif in the Colorado sky. And the reach was not limited to these secluded locations—for the first time in Burberry’s history, the monogram was displayed in their flagship stores around the world for everyone to see. Weaving nature and technology, we paid homage to Burberry’s heritage while setting the stage for the new era.

Monk Thoughts By implementing a truly 360° approach and working with nature as a medium, we developed and executed activations that were not only sustainable, but also gorgeous reminders of the symbiotic relationship between the earth and humankind.
portrait of a woman with dark hair, wearing a collared shirt, against a shiny white background

  • TB monogram made from lights in the night in front of mountains
  • drones in the sky lights making up the TB monogram
  • Burberry monogram made up by lights in the sky at night
Monk Thoughts Being able to depict that narrative between man and nature in such an incredibly beautiful way was extremely inspiring to me.
Nafeesa Yousuf headshot

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