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How to Prepare Now for the GA360 Sunset

2 min read
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Written by
Doug Hall
VP of Data Services and Technology

Employees sitting around a laptop discussing work

Today Google announced an official date for the sunset of Google Analytics 360 (GA360), and the product known as Universal Analytics (UA) will be formally replaced by Google Analytics 4 (GA4) in 2023. Here is what you need to know, what you need to do and how Media.Monks can support you.

What will happen and when?

The free version of Universal Analytics will become read-only on July 1, 2023. The GA360 version of UA will become read-only on October 1, 2023.

For those on GA360, you will have at least six months after signing a Google Analytics 4 contract before your UA property is downgraded. 

What do you need to do?

They say the best time to plant a tree was 100 years ago…and the second-best time to plant a tree is now. Those who started the GA4 journey early will be in good shape, ready to have year-on-year comparison data. 

If you haven’t started your GA4 journey, start now. A realistic deadline to work towards is October 2022, which gives you 12 months of GA4 data for comparison purposes. Start with a Minimum Viable Product, which is a simple way to start swimming in GA4 waters. It takes 30 minutes to set up, involves just one tag, and yields a surprising amount of data. It also has no impact on GA360 billing and no impact on current data collection.    

When you’re ready, Media.monks is here to help support your migration. Media.Monks offers a wide array of analytics services and training so every one of our clients receives the consultation they need for a first class, end-to-end analytics roadmap and a seamless transition.


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